Item due dates apply to material returned in the library, at the drive up window, or deposited in the book drops in the parking lot. To ensure everyone feels welcome at the library and to increase access to our collections, Wilton Library no longer charges overdue fees for most items with the following exceptions:
Item | Loan Period | Late Fee |
Quick Pick Books | 1 week | $1.00/day |
Museum Passes | 3 days | $1.00/day |
iPod Touch kit | 3 weeks | $1.00/day |
Kindle eReader | 3 weeks | $1.00/day |
Optelec Portable Magnifier Kit | 1 week | $1.00/day |
Telescope Kit | 1 week | $1.00/day |
Item | Loan Period |
Books | 3 weeks |
Audiobooks | 3 weeks |
Compact Discs (Music) | 3 weeks |
DVDs & Blu-rays | 1 week |
Games | 1 week |
Magazines | 1 week |
Jigsaw Puzzles | 3 weeks |
Kill-a-Watt | 1 week |
Items must be returned to the library within 30 days from the due date to avoid being billed the replacement cost of the item. Accounts owing more than $10 will be prohibited from borrowing library materials until materials are returned, or the balance is brought below that amount.
Most items may be renewed TWICE for a period equal to the original loan period.
The following items may NOT be renewed:
Items (other than those listed above) may be renewed by phone at (203) 762-6334 or through our online catalog.
In the event that inclement weather necessitates library closings, delayed openings, or early closings, we strive to ensure the safety of patrons and staff.
Please confirm whether we are open before heading out to the library before, during, or after a storm as conditions can rapidly change. If the library closes for a full or partial day, no fines will be charged.
Why is it called the Wilton Library Association? Why not Wilton Public Library?
The Wilton Library Association was founded in 1895 as a private subscription library before the widespread creation of public libraries in the United States. While we serve as the public library for the town of Wilton and have not charged subscriber fees in many decades, the Association remains a private, non-profit institution which relies on donations to maintain its collection and services.
Who can use the Wilton Library?
Anyone is welcome to use any resource in the Library including Internet workstations, the reference collection, and the services of the reference librarians.
FREE borrowing privileges are available to:
Are there any book discussion groups at the Wilton Library?
The Wilton Library sponsors a monthly lunchtime group, Wilton Library Readers, with professional leader Susan Boyar. They meet the second Wednesday of every month from September through June. A list of titles and a full schedule can be found on the group’s page. All are welcome; meetings are informal; bring your lunch. In addition, the Library hosts special programs. Please watch the newspapers, the digital signage in the Library, and our website for announcements. All Library programs are also posted on our Events page.
How is the Wilton Library funded?
Donations fund 100% of the collection (including books, online databases, magazines and newspapers, CDs, DVDs, and audiobooks). These are raised in our annual Friends appeal. An annual grant from the Town of Wilton covers about three-quarters of our operating expenses.
When is the Wilton Library Book Sale?
The Wilton Library holds a major book sale annually. The browsers and collectors book sale is usually held in April. The library often has additional specialized book sales during the year. These book sales will be listed on our Events page. There is an ongoing book sale shelf in the library gallery.
Who is in charge of the art exhibits?
The Art Committee is in charge of our monthly art exhibits. If you are interested in exhibiting, please email If you are interested in purchasing one of the pieces on exhibit, stop by the circulation desk on your next visit.
To ensure its patrons may enjoy the Library facilities, materials and services in a quiet, comfortable, safe and secure environment, Wilton Library has adopted, and requires all Library patrons to comply with, this Code of Conduct.
Patrons who do not comply with this Code of Conduct may be asked by the library manager on duty to leave the Library premises. Refusing to do so may be the subject of a police complaint and result in a charge of trespassing. Serious or repeated violations may result in suspension or termination of Library privileges or prohibition of access to Library premises, in all cases as determined by the Library Executive Director or other member of library management. Behavior that is illegal or that threatens the health or safety of other patrons, staff or volunteers will be reported to the police.
The Library welcomes children and families to use the Library facilities and services and encourages the independence of its child patrons. Parents and guardians assume all responsibility for the conduct, well-being and safety of their children in the Library regardless of their physical presence in the Library.
Library staff are not responsible for the supervision, safety or well-being of unaccompanied child patrons. Additionally, the following policies apply:
Parents and guardians are expected to be aware of the Library’s opening and closing times and that the operating hours might change unexpectedly.
Revised and approved by the Wilton Library Board of Trustees, September 13, 2023
The Internet is an essential tool to provide access to resources. Wilton Library, as part of its mission, provides Internet access for patrons in several areas of the building via dedicated Internet stations and its Wireless network. The Library does not deny or limit the use of its facilities including Internet access.
In order to provide equitable access to all users of the Library’s dedicated computers, patrons shall comply with the Library’s time management system.
The dedicated Internet stations in Adult Services provide unfiltered access to the Internet for all Library patrons. Internet stations are available in the adult reference area.
The dedicated Internet stations in Teen Services provide unfiltered access to the Internet.
The dedicated Internet stations in the Children’s Library provide filtered access to the Internet. The Library makes no express or implied representation, warranty or guarantee that any filtering system would actually prevent access to any objectionable material. In accordance with state law, children under the age of 12 years must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
Wilton Library’s wireless access provides unfiltered and unmanaged Internet access throughout the Library building as well as the immediate area outside the building. The Wireless network can be accessed by patron devices (e.g., laptops, tablets, phones, etc.).
Patrons are advised to be cautious about transmitting personal or confidential information (e.g., passwords or credit card information). Wilton Library is not responsible for any information input on the Library’s computers or via the Wireless network.
The Library’s Internet stations must be used in accordance with Connecticut and Federal Laws and Wilton Library’s Code of Conduct. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing (1) patrons may not disrupt, alter or damage hardware, software, or data on Wilton Library computers or network, (2) behavior that is illegal or that threatens the health or safety of other patrons, staff, or volunteers will be reported to the police, and (3) patrons should not behave in such a way as to disrupt or offend other users. Patrons who do not abide by applicable law or policy may be advised to stop their offending or disruptive behavior and/or asked to leave the library.
Revised and Approved by the Board of Trustees, December 18, 2019
Wilton Library is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all library patrons, other users and donors (collectively, “users”). This commitment is in accord with the trust users place in the Library and its staff, with applicable law, and with the professional ethics of librarianship.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 11-25(b) provides in relevant part that:
The American Library Association Code of Ethics states:
We protect each library user’s right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.
Information Collected
In furtherance of its commitment to privacy and confidentiality, the Library endeavors to collect, use and retain information and records only and for so long as needed for the proper operation of the Library. Personally identifiable information is also collected regarding Library donations and used in connection with the Library’s fundraising activities. The Library does not sell, license or otherwise disclose personally identifiable information on its users to a third party except on a confidential basis to a third party working under contract with the Library or as required by law.
The Library collects information about users directly from users and from automatically collected network logs and cookies. Some information may be retained in backup storage systems, hard copy form or as required by law.
Information collected about a user may be compiled and aggregated with information collected about other users such that the information cannot be used to reasonably identify any individual user. This aggregated information helps the Library evaluate and improve its services and programming, and provide data requested by governmental or library association entities.
Third Party Service Providers
The Library uses third party service providers and technologies that permit users to access content and databases. The Library provides limited information that authenticates a user as a Library Patron entitled to use the service.
The Library seeks to ensure that its agreements with third party service providers address the Library’s policies concerning privacy and confidentiality. However, users who access third party sites are subjecting themselves to the privacy policy and practices of such sites, and the Library is not responsible for how the third parties collect or use a user’s information. The Library encourages users to review the privacy policies of all third-party providers.
Protection of Information
The Library has physical, administrative and technical measures in place to prevent unauthorized access to the information collected. Although these measures are reasonably designed to be effective, no assurance can be given that these measures will be adequate to maintain the privacy of such information or that such measures will function as intended.
Requests for Personal Information
The Library’s Executive Director, or any person duly appointed in writing by the Executive Director or the Board of Trustees, shall be responsible for handling all law enforcement or similar requests for confidential information. Library staff will immediately refer all such requests to the Executive Director or such designee, and will not release any confidential information until authorized in writing by the Executive Director or such designee. Upon receipt of any such request for confidential information, the Executive Director, or such designee, shall consult with legal counsel as appropriate to formulate an appropriate response.
The Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.
Adopted by the Wilton Library Board of Trustees on April 20, 2022.